Cannabis Updates: Minnesota to Allow THC in Food, Louisiana to Loosen Harsh Cannabis Laws and Other Cannabis News.

Cannabis Updates

Cannabis has continued to hit the spotlight in recent weeks, and it doesn’t look as if it is stopping yet. In the United States, cannabis continued to gain momentum as harsh laws are being revisited. These are some of the trending cannabis updates that you should know.

Minnesota Approves Small Amounts Of THC In Food And Beverages For Adults

Minnesota lawmakers approved several cannabis industry measures on Sunday. Top of these approvals is a measure to allow 5mg of hemp-derived THC to be legally sold in edibles and drinks to those aged 21 and older. Susan Burns, a cannabis attorney, said, “It’s really good for retailers and consumers because they now have safety mechanisms in place.” 

Louisiana Lawmakers Approve Bill To Loosen Harsh Cannabis Laws

In other updates, lawmakers in Louisiana have advanced four cannabis-related bills to the full Senate on Tuesday. The advocate writes that these bills were aimed at relaxing the state’s stiff drug policies. One of the bills, HB 755, seeks to enable medical marijuana patients to own marijuana paraphernalia. Another, HB 1028, proposes setting up fines against possession of this paraphernalia. A third, HB 629, would prohibit police from searching homes on the smell of cannabis. At the same time, HB 774 would enable expungement of record for marijuana possession after six months conviction instead of the current five years before they are expunged.

Ohio Approves 70 New Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licenses Via Lottery

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy confirmed that 70 medical marijuana licenses were selected via lottery to be approved to dispense marijuana. According to, regulators approved these 70 new licenses on Monday.

Georgians Choose Cannabis Legalization Through Balloting

Marijuana Moment reported on Tuesday that the majority of voters in Georgia said yes to a recreational cannabis legalization ballot measure. The State Democratic Party leadership came up with nine questions for the ballot this year. The cannabis-related proposal led 80% to 20% on Wednesday morning, with 95% of counting having submitted their votes.

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